Adrienne Whaley, President, African American Genealogy Group.


The author Alex Haley wrote, “Family is our link to the past and our bridge to the future.” Knowing this, it isn’t surprising that more and more families are researching their genealogical background. One organization committed to genealogical research is the Philadelphia-based African American Genealogical Group (AAGG).

At the invitation of AAGG’s President Adrienne Whaley, DFCLT President Denise Dennis was AAGG’s guest speaker on March 9, 2021. In her slide show presentation, Denise traced the history of the Perkins-Dennis family from colonial New England to Northeast Pennsylvania to the present. She also described the work The Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust is doing today to preserve and share this history with the public.

“Our members were so excited to not just hear about the rich history of the Dennis-Perkins family that Denise shared,” said Adrienne Whaley, “but to hear and imagine what might be possible from the variety of ways that Denise and the Trust share these stories with new generations of the family and with the wider world.”